Sunday, January 30, 2011

StarCraft- A Revolution

StarCraft has been loved by us :) and there are many reasons to explain this. Well this is a real-time military strategy game that has so many strategies to defeat your opponent. This game has been outstanding for years and years even though so many other RTS games tried to challenge this miracle. Now, there is StarCraft 2 which is a lot different from the original. The graphic, has been changed to 3D and there are lots of new units in all 3 species.
    -StarCraft Fruit Zerg -  

      I was very surprised when StarCraft 2 came out. It was just amazing- spectacular battles in 3D and awesome psionic storms. What I could only say was WOW. I hope StarCraft 2 gets popular once again like the way StarCraft : Original and Broodwar did in 1998~ 2009!             wow!

Left: StarCraft BattleCruiser orbiting Braxis

After the camp

Guess my life of MAD STUDENT OF GLPS went away.... I'm sad. However I don't have to walk  all the way to Dasan building from dorm. Whooo... This was a very interesting camp. One thing I really liked about this blogging was blogging.( haha you are fooled!) If you are bored, I recommend you to reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaad about the Mini story- 2years after. It's fun I guess.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

2 years after - part 2

He decided to suicide.... However, he saw his mom saying that he must not suicide. Lewankadupe, undecided, just fell off a building.... And he was dead.

The End

Wacky Mini stories- 2 years after

      2 years after the WW3 (2022) a Prince named Iewankadupe was born. He was considered a holy character who would save Human race from wars, hatred, and disease.The Prince wanted to eat many grasshoppers and lived in Africa.But he needed to go to Alaska to eat them. His mom wouldn't let him go on such a dangerous voyage, so he decided to borrow Harry Potter's invisible cloak and went to Alaska. By the time we arrived, the grasshoppers were already all dead because of cold. Then all at once, his iPhone rang. RANG RANG it was so loud that he couldn't even move! He was paralyzed. 2 years later, he came out of the paralysis and called his mom. By the time when he called his mom, the whole continent of Africa was waging war against U.S. U.S sent many nuclear missiles, and the result was over 400 million people dead. Of course, Mom was dead too. He was so angry and upset that he hacked into the network of the U.S army and sent 2013 Nuclear missiles in Washington D.C and all over the world. Everyone in the whole Earth died except for the Prince. The prophecy of being a savior of the world was wrong! Lewankadupe's mind was now filled with sadness. He decided to suicide....

To be continued....

This year's Poll Winner

Hey guys I want to tell you that we have finally chosen the winner of the Poll. It is GAMBLING!! OH MY GOD!!! 


Investing on Microsoft: 5- 31%
World's best Samsung Laptop 3-18%
Buy a little mansion  1-6%
Gambling  7-43%

Interview with Gamble

Me: Mr. Gamble you won.

Gamble: .....SO what

Me: nothing........

Gamble: Fine whatever

Game Review: Angrybird

I'm not talking about a real bird like this.              I'm talking about a game. Okay. So this game is not for computers and is not a video game. Actually, it is a game for ipod/iphone and many other phones. Smartphone users may have heard this game before. It is very fun especially to people who like puzzle games. Well, I'll tell you how to play it. First, if you press the play button, then there will be a bird in a slingshot. The main point of this game is to demolish green pigs protected by some kind of obstacle. So, you shoot the bird in the slingshot and try to shoot the pig. Doesn't that sound simple? However, according to my experience, as the level gets higher, it get very hard. There are even steel to block the pigs!! You have to always think about a creative solution for it. You can't just shoot the pig and make the bird penetrate the obstacles. For example, here's a good picture:  Like this, you have to think of a way to shoot the pigs. In conclusion, this is an excellent game for those who like puzzle games and I personally think that Angry birds is top 5 games I played so far with my iPod.  I think that Angry birds is top 5 best games I played so far with ipod.

English Diary

Hi Dear Diary I'm going to tell you something important. The important thing is that......

Nothing..... You are fooled! Anyways, let's get going.

Today was a busy day. Yesterday I went to self studying to prepare for a debate today. Today's debate topic was: Reunification of Korea will improve quality of life. Because my team and I researched very well, we had lots of resources to talk about. As a result, we won.We did another debate, and I was the whip. I guess I did well on rebutting and pointing out the clashes but I think I need to work on the time management and POI's. Before debate class, I did some blogging in Mr. Garrioch's class, trying to finish up the unfinished posts and starting new ones. In history class, I found that I was going to do debate on Friday and History Presentation on Saturday. This is how my precious Wednesday went...
If you have just one minute, only a minute, then I stronly encourage you to look at other posts and leave some comments. That would be a great thing. Thanks.