Monday, January 10, 2011

Writing Chain:"Smoking Must Be Stopped" by Class 21

 This is  the Writing Chain activity my class did in the afternoon with Mr. Crawford. I wrote a formal esay about smoking cigarettes. In the essay, there were some grammer mistakes and also spelling mistakes. I expected  other people to write at least 3/4 of  the page but after  looking at it I felt that I needed to add some more. So, I added a part of the conclusion. Well, ENJOY MY ESSAY! (By the way, please leave a comment or else....You'll be severly punished!)

   Smoking Must Be Stopped. Many many people smoke nowdays.
Well, I think smoking is a serious problem. I believe that smoking must be stopped since
there are many reasons, but one thing for sure is that smoking is deadly and fatal to both smokers and non-smokers.

    When a smoker smokes, the smoke from the cigarette occurs. Then, the non-smokers next to the smoker will eventually breathe in the air and the bad chemical stuff. It is called a passive smoking.
Passive smoking is worse than just smoking, becuase the smoke from it didn't go through the filter of
the cigarette so there are more harmful chemicals in it.
    How much is it harmful to our bodies? Smokes from the cigarette will be breathed down to your lungs.
There, the smoke will kill the cell in the there and turn your lungs black. Also, as the survey shows, after 25years of smoking, the percentage of cancer gets very high. In addition, smoking can lead to: bad breath,
an unclear brain and lots more! Plus, as I said before, smoking does not only affect the smoker, but the
people near him or her. smoking has a very addictive substance called nicotine that could harm us. The government is trying to stop people from smokingbut still many people continue to disobey. Smoking must
be stopped before more people get addicted to the cigarettes.

  We should never smoke and so do the other people. Smoking leads non-smokers into passive smoking(second hand smoking) and addiction. Also, it harms your body and you may get even a lung cancer, so if you din't want to die and get a very painful disease do not smoke and consider other people to not smoke.
If people stop smoking, then it will be a very clean world without smokeing-relatewd diseases and coughing! 


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