Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wacky Mini stories- 2 years after

      2 years after the WW3 (2022) a Prince named Iewankadupe was born. He was considered a holy character who would save Human race from wars, hatred, and disease.The Prince wanted to eat many grasshoppers and lived in Africa.But he needed to go to Alaska to eat them. His mom wouldn't let him go on such a dangerous voyage, so he decided to borrow Harry Potter's invisible cloak and went to Alaska. By the time we arrived, the grasshoppers were already all dead because of cold. Then all at once, his iPhone rang. RANG RANG it was so loud that he couldn't even move! He was paralyzed. 2 years later, he came out of the paralysis and called his mom. By the time when he called his mom, the whole continent of Africa was waging war against U.S. U.S sent many nuclear missiles, and the result was over 400 million people dead. Of course, Mom was dead too. He was so angry and upset that he hacked into the network of the U.S army and sent 2013 Nuclear missiles in Washington D.C and all over the world. Everyone in the whole Earth died except for the Prince. The prophecy of being a savior of the world was wrong! Lewankadupe's mind was now filled with sadness. He decided to suicide....

To be continued....

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