Friday, January 21, 2011

Writing in 1st, 2nd, 3rd Person Narratives!

Hi guys today I'm going to write about the 1,2,3 rd person Narratives. I'll get started with no.1

First Person:

 I was walking around the English building, then suddenly I got hit by a snowball. It was my friend. He is always playful. After 4th period, I went to dorm to eat lunch. Today's lunch was the best. There were bacon, sausages, baked potatoes, and so on.

2nd Person:

With your hands frozen, you heavily saunter around the English building. Then all at once, a snowball hits your head and you are shocked. It was your friend. You ignore it because he's your friend. After 4th period, you run as fast as you can to the dormitory to eat your lunch. You realize that today's lunch is really good so you devour it in 2 minutes.

3rd Person:

Mung was walking around the English building with a heavy backpack that weighs about 9 kilograms. Mung was looking at a bird when he suddenly got hit really bad in his eye by a snowball. Mung wants to kick him in the ankles, but he stops as he realizes that the thrower is his friend. After the 4th period, he throws his backpack off to the ground and heads toward the cafetaria. It was a very good lunch so he devoured it in 3 seconds.

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