Tuesday, January 25, 2011

English Diary

Hi Dear Diary I'm going to tell you something important. The important thing is that......

Nothing..... You are fooled! Anyways, let's get going.

Today was a busy day. Yesterday I went to self studying to prepare for a debate today. Today's debate topic was: Reunification of Korea will improve quality of life. Because my team and I researched very well, we had lots of resources to talk about. As a result, we won.We did another debate, and I was the whip. I guess I did well on rebutting and pointing out the clashes but I think I need to work on the time management and POI's. Before debate class, I did some blogging in Mr. Garrioch's class, trying to finish up the unfinished posts and starting new ones. In history class, I found that I was going to do debate on Friday and History Presentation on Saturday. This is how my precious Wednesday went...
If you have just one minute, only a minute, then I stronly encourage you to look at other posts and leave some comments. That would be a great thing. Thanks.


  1. You are a very clean writer with excellent grammar. Some very nice posts here, and I like your space fish.;)

  2. It's interesting that you've fooled your diary.

  3. ha ha !!!!!!!!!!!!! I was fooled! I like your fish background!
