Sunday, January 30, 2011

StarCraft- A Revolution

StarCraft has been loved by us :) and there are many reasons to explain this. Well this is a real-time military strategy game that has so many strategies to defeat your opponent. This game has been outstanding for years and years even though so many other RTS games tried to challenge this miracle. Now, there is StarCraft 2 which is a lot different from the original. The graphic, has been changed to 3D and there are lots of new units in all 3 species.
    -StarCraft Fruit Zerg -  

      I was very surprised when StarCraft 2 came out. It was just amazing- spectacular battles in 3D and awesome psionic storms. What I could only say was WOW. I hope StarCraft 2 gets popular once again like the way StarCraft : Original and Broodwar did in 1998~ 2009!             wow!

Left: StarCraft BattleCruiser orbiting Braxis

After the camp

Guess my life of MAD STUDENT OF GLPS went away.... I'm sad. However I don't have to walk  all the way to Dasan building from dorm. Whooo... This was a very interesting camp. One thing I really liked about this blogging was blogging.( haha you are fooled!) If you are bored, I recommend you to reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaad about the Mini story- 2years after. It's fun I guess.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

2 years after - part 2

He decided to suicide.... However, he saw his mom saying that he must not suicide. Lewankadupe, undecided, just fell off a building.... And he was dead.

The End

Wacky Mini stories- 2 years after

      2 years after the WW3 (2022) a Prince named Iewankadupe was born. He was considered a holy character who would save Human race from wars, hatred, and disease.The Prince wanted to eat many grasshoppers and lived in Africa.But he needed to go to Alaska to eat them. His mom wouldn't let him go on such a dangerous voyage, so he decided to borrow Harry Potter's invisible cloak and went to Alaska. By the time we arrived, the grasshoppers were already all dead because of cold. Then all at once, his iPhone rang. RANG RANG it was so loud that he couldn't even move! He was paralyzed. 2 years later, he came out of the paralysis and called his mom. By the time when he called his mom, the whole continent of Africa was waging war against U.S. U.S sent many nuclear missiles, and the result was over 400 million people dead. Of course, Mom was dead too. He was so angry and upset that he hacked into the network of the U.S army and sent 2013 Nuclear missiles in Washington D.C and all over the world. Everyone in the whole Earth died except for the Prince. The prophecy of being a savior of the world was wrong! Lewankadupe's mind was now filled with sadness. He decided to suicide....

To be continued....

This year's Poll Winner

Hey guys I want to tell you that we have finally chosen the winner of the Poll. It is GAMBLING!! OH MY GOD!!! 


Investing on Microsoft: 5- 31%
World's best Samsung Laptop 3-18%
Buy a little mansion  1-6%
Gambling  7-43%

Interview with Gamble

Me: Mr. Gamble you won.

Gamble: .....SO what

Me: nothing........

Gamble: Fine whatever

Game Review: Angrybird

I'm not talking about a real bird like this.              I'm talking about a game. Okay. So this game is not for computers and is not a video game. Actually, it is a game for ipod/iphone and many other phones. Smartphone users may have heard this game before. It is very fun especially to people who like puzzle games. Well, I'll tell you how to play it. First, if you press the play button, then there will be a bird in a slingshot. The main point of this game is to demolish green pigs protected by some kind of obstacle. So, you shoot the bird in the slingshot and try to shoot the pig. Doesn't that sound simple? However, according to my experience, as the level gets higher, it get very hard. There are even steel to block the pigs!! You have to always think about a creative solution for it. You can't just shoot the pig and make the bird penetrate the obstacles. For example, here's a good picture:  Like this, you have to think of a way to shoot the pigs. In conclusion, this is an excellent game for those who like puzzle games and I personally think that Angry birds is top 5 games I played so far with my iPod.  I think that Angry birds is top 5 best games I played so far with ipod.

English Diary

Hi Dear Diary I'm going to tell you something important. The important thing is that......

Nothing..... You are fooled! Anyways, let's get going.

Today was a busy day. Yesterday I went to self studying to prepare for a debate today. Today's debate topic was: Reunification of Korea will improve quality of life. Because my team and I researched very well, we had lots of resources to talk about. As a result, we won.We did another debate, and I was the whip. I guess I did well on rebutting and pointing out the clashes but I think I need to work on the time management and POI's. Before debate class, I did some blogging in Mr. Garrioch's class, trying to finish up the unfinished posts and starting new ones. In history class, I found that I was going to do debate on Friday and History Presentation on Saturday. This is how my precious Wednesday went...
If you have just one minute, only a minute, then I stronly encourage you to look at other posts and leave some comments. That would be a great thing. Thanks.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Highrise: Compare and Contrast essay- Benoit

Hi This is a long post so I want you to be patient and read this post carefully. I had to chose one guy from 14 different people. Well, I went the last so I didn't have a choice. My character is Benoit and he lives in Montreal, Canada. Of course, he lives in a highrise. Now, I'm going to compare and contrast lives between mine and his and also cultural backgrounds between two cities: Seoul and Montreal as specifically as I can.

 There are many similarities and differences. Let's first look at Benoit's house. He has a nice couch and a TV which my family have too. There's also his family pictures hanging in the walls and showcases for putting all kinds of stuff. We also have that. Out the window and to the balcony, there is a big highway and the big city. When I look out of my house window, I see many buildings and also lots of roads. It's similar, right? I think we have lots of things in common.
However, there are some differences too. There is a water purifier by the house entrance. I don't have that. Even if I had that, I would put it in the kitchen. Also, when you watch the pastry chef, it talks about Benoit's dream of being a pastry chef. I never thought of a kid trying to be a pastry chef. Instead we think of a really good job like a president. This is another difference.
 Now I will compare Seoul and Montreal. After watching the videos that were available in the Benoit's house I felt that Montreal is more calm and not busy as the people in Seoul do. Benoit can freely do what he wants- making French pastries. That can be seen as him working but he likes it. But in Seoul many students go to academies until evening. Is this what we really want to do? No. Also, Seoul is a very crowded city with lots of cars and tall buildings. However in Montreal, there are half of the amount of cars in Seoul in the highway.
  Finally it will be comparison against me and Benoit!
I think we have a lot in common. He is confident in his career, which is the pastry making. I am also confident in doing the history presentation. I can't compare and contrast more. Thanks.
 In conclusion, there are many differences and common things we share between the world of Benoit and me. If I ever meet him,I will help him make the pastries.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Writing in 1st, 2nd, 3rd Person Narratives!

Hi guys today I'm going to write about the 1,2,3 rd person Narratives. I'll get started with no.1

First Person:

 I was walking around the English building, then suddenly I got hit by a snowball. It was my friend. He is always playful. After 4th period, I went to dorm to eat lunch. Today's lunch was the best. There were bacon, sausages, baked potatoes, and so on.

2nd Person:

With your hands frozen, you heavily saunter around the English building. Then all at once, a snowball hits your head and you are shocked. It was your friend. You ignore it because he's your friend. After 4th period, you run as fast as you can to the dormitory to eat your lunch. You realize that today's lunch is really good so you devour it in 2 minutes.

3rd Person:

Mung was walking around the English building with a heavy backpack that weighs about 9 kilograms. Mung was looking at a bird when he suddenly got hit really bad in his eye by a snowball. Mung wants to kick him in the ankles, but he stops as he realizes that the thrower is his friend. After the 4th period, he throws his backpack off to the ground and heads toward the cafetaria. It was a very good lunch so he devoured it in 3 seconds.

My 2nd History Presentation

The Medieval arts and the Renaissance arts

First, I’ll introduce you about the middle age art then talk about the Renaissance art and the changes made.
 The medieval period, also called the middle Ages, took place from about the 5th century to the 14th century. Most medieval art was made for churches and depicted Christian stories. Also, Roman art, German art, and Islamic art mixed together in the Early Middle Ages to create a new form, which we call medieval art. Medieval art is usually divided into several different kinds, each of which were expressed differently in different countries, and which even happened at different times in different places as well. The Renaissance began in Italy and occurred in the 15th and 16th centuries. Renaissance means “rebirth,” which refers to the revival of ancient Roman and Greek architecture, literature, and learning during this period. The Renaissance period is highlighted by new learning, development of infrastructure, more attention to the arts and reading. Most artists in the middle ages were unknown, so I really couldn’t find any. However, I found some great artists in the Renaissance period. One of the famous artists in the early Renaissance period was Lorenzo Ghiberti. (1378-1455) Lorenzo was an Italian artist best known for works in sculpture and metalworking. Ghiberti first became famous when he won the 1401 competition for the first set of bronze doors for the Baptistery of the cathedral in Florence. The original plan was for the doors to depict scenes from the Old Testament. However, the plan was changed to depict scenes from the New Testament, instead.
 If there was Lorenzo Ghiberti in the Early Renaissance, in the High Renaissance, there is Michelangelo. He was an Italian sculptor, architect, painter and poet in the period known as the High Renaissance. His great works were almost entirely in the service of the Catholic Church, and include a huge statue of the David (over 14 feet tall) in Florence, sculpted between 1501 and 1504, and the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome painted between 1508 and 1512. After 1519 Michelangelo was increasingly active in architecture; he designed the dome of St. Peter's Basilica, completed after his death. Along with contemporaries Leonardo da Vinci, he is considered one of the great masters of European art.
Now, I will talk about the major changes made in art during the Renaissance period. Three important changes occurred in art from the medieval to the Renaissance
periods––the artist’s role of being usually as craftsman changed into an independent artist and more widespread incorporation of worldly subjects were into works of art, especially Mythological subjects. Also, there was the development of individual artistic styles and techniques.
One more important thing is that The Renaissance patrons wanted art that showed joy in human beauty and life’s pleasures. Renaissance art is more lifelike than in the art of the middle Ages. Renaissance artists studied perspective, or the differences in the way things look when they are close to something or far away. The artists painted in a way that showed these differences. As a result, their paintings seem to have depth. 

Now isn't this a lot? I worked a lot on it and I increased my score by 20 points! Congrats for myself!! I'll try to do better on my 3rd. You can comment on my presentation.

An Ode to StarCraft

Dear StarCraft,

Since I came to the GLPS, I haven't seen you for a while. 
I want to play you. At the Dinnertime, sometimes
 I keep thinking about you.
 When I turn you on and I see the menu 
I feel very thrilled.

  Now, I miss your spectacular battles with blood and sweat.
 I miss your numerous strategies 
that make me win against the fierce enemy.
 You have 3 unique species that have their own advantages.

Terran is the best at firepower but needs a lot of control.
  Zerg overwhelms others with many,
 many units  that forms a swarm but each unit is weak.
 Protoss's every single unit is powerful and strong.
 However, every single units are very expensive compared to other species.
Oh, please please come back.
Oh, please please come back.
When I'm bored, you make me thrilled.
When I'm tired of studying,
you relieve me from the sea of stress.
Are you listening to what I'm saying?
I miss you so much 
I keep thinking about you
and searching for you.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My English Journal

   Hey guys today, there was a really unexpected event in the history class. The event was that a cameraman from KBS came to our class and interviewed 2 of the students in our class. I really think they are lucky because I' ve never have been on the TV and I wanted to. The cameraman said that it was going to be in the TV in the 25th. The next period, I went to Mr. Garrioch's and blogged for about a whole period. I wrote a Diamante Poem, and it was about the truth and lies. You can check out the poem in my blog later on. After finishing that, I went to the Debate class and debated 2 times. This debate was a little hard for me since I was in the government team, but I was more into the opposition's. At the end, our team lost. However, we can try more hard. ByeBye.

The Exciting Dance Party

  Last Saturday (January 15th) was a very special day. That day, we had the dance party! In the Dance Party, there were some really talented dancers and singers- I personally like our PA and 박준섭 PA singing because it was my class's PA who sang. Also, the guy who did the robotic dancing was very awesome! For a moment I actually thought that he was a robot!   After the Stage dancing, all the  people had chance to dance and many pop songs came out. On the way back to the dorm, it was 9:00 so it was SUPER COLD. Thanks.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The wacky web tail!

Guys I made a wacky web tail. Hope you enjoy it!

One afternoon Philip and Molly were walking down a(n) dumb trail, looking for kindling for their campfire. The trees were smelly and green, and there were colorful wildflowers all around. Philip and Molly began to pick the wildflowers, and after a while, they saw so far that they had wandered away from the trail.
It started to get dark. Philip began to get worried, but Molly seemed excited to have an adventure. “Look!” Molly said. “Do you see that computer? It looks like a house!”
“We're saved!” cried Philip, who was relieved.
Once they got closer, Philip felt very uneasy again. It didn't look like the cozy little cottage Philip had been imagining, but rather a big, spooky tower! It was about 3002 feet tall, and it was covered with white ivy and moss. It was the creepiest thing Philip had ever seen!
Philip said, “Molly, let's keep walking! There's no way I'm going into that tower! It looks haunted!”
“Don't be such a(n) building! We're going in. I think it looks perfectly un-haunted!” said Molly.
Philip was so scared that he could not open his eyes. He felt his toeschatter as Molly opened the door. All of a sudden, Philip felt that he was not alone. He opened his eyes, prepared to see the worst. But instead, he saw all his friends and family inside the haunted tower! “Surprise! Happy birthday,Philip!” they all threw up.

The Super Diamante Poem!

reliable trustworthy
believing trusting hoping
honesty integrity dishonesty falsehood
faking tricking cheating
insincere deceitful

Have you enjoyed my poem? Well, this is a Diamante poem about the subject: "Truth and Lies." I found writing the poem somewhat hard, having no idea of what words to use. I chose this topic because I thought that many people lie now days so I wanted to let people speak the truth. Thanks.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

S.A.T. Style Reflective Essay: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring

This is the film ' Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring'. I wrote a reflective essay in a S.A.T. style. I hope you enjoy it!

     I think that the teacher is trying to teach the student to be careful to animals. If we did the same thing to them, how would they feel? Also, I think the monk's way of punishing the student monk is very good.

     To be a real monk, you have to be calm, and try not to harm others. However, in this film, the student is attaching a stone around animals' body with a string and laughs about it. Actually, the student is wrong. Later in the film, the student finds two of  the animals he attached the stone is dead. They were both dead because of the string and the stone he played with. Like this, if we don't care about animals, then we might hurt them or even kill them. I once had a pet fish, but my friend, who was a troublemaker sometimes, played with the fish, unaware of what he is doing and accidentally killed it. That day, I felt very angry.
     If you do a bad thing, like killing a fish, then you have to get a punishment. However, these days if we do something wrong, then parents or teachers just hit you and that's it. I think this is a bad way of punishing students, because sometimes the student doesn't know what's wrong in his action.In the film, the monk ties a rope around the student a attaches the rock, and if he comes back with the animals dead, then he would carry that stone in his mine for the rest of his life.In other words, the monk decides to make the student regret by his experience. When I ate a junk food when I was not supposed to, my mom just scorned me without any way of punishing of what the monk did.

      As a conclusion, I like the way of monk punishing the student because he makes the boy regret by his own experience and also, we have to be more careful of animals.

My history presentation

   Wow!! Guess what happened. my class had a history presentation in the history class!
I was the first person to go. At first, I got very nervous so I shaked my leg and so on, but as I
talked I got okay and started to focus more on it. I spoke loud, but there was one critical mistake
I made. No eye contact. I tried to do them, but it was not easy. I thought: only way to do a very
good eye contact is by memorizing the script. There was another problem. It was that I didn't know
the words I used in the presentation very well.(By the way, meticulous meant scrupluous, or careful.)
I had to fix these problems. Next time, I will do better!


On Saturday, the whole camp had a English pop song contest. The contest was held in the
 gym. In my class, everyone did the contest. Our song was "Heal the world". This song was
made by Michael Jackson, the famous singer. The song was hard, since the lyric was very long. However, our class(class 21) tried and almost mastered the song. In the afternoon, people gathered up in the gym and  each of the class sang. There lots of different songs, and I especially liked the "upside down" and the "Let it be" by the beetles. We didn't win any prizes but at least we tried!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Introducing my viral video!!

  This video is called funny animals. Animals in this video are pretty amazing. What I like about this video is that the the maker included very funny videos of animal so that I laughed for about 2 minutes. This video got 5,692,220 views! Now isn't that awesome! I most like the part when the duck pecked the boy's nose. I'm sure that other people liked this video too.

Writing Chain:"Smoking Must Be Stopped" by Class 21

 This is  the Writing Chain activity my class did in the afternoon with Mr. Crawford. I wrote a formal esay about smoking cigarettes. In the essay, there were some grammer mistakes and also spelling mistakes. I expected  other people to write at least 3/4 of  the page but after  looking at it I felt that I needed to add some more. So, I added a part of the conclusion. Well, ENJOY MY ESSAY! (By the way, please leave a comment or else....You'll be severly punished!)

   Smoking Must Be Stopped. Many many people smoke nowdays.
Well, I think smoking is a serious problem. I believe that smoking must be stopped since
there are many reasons, but one thing for sure is that smoking is deadly and fatal to both smokers and non-smokers.

    When a smoker smokes, the smoke from the cigarette occurs. Then, the non-smokers next to the smoker will eventually breathe in the air and the bad chemical stuff. It is called a passive smoking.
Passive smoking is worse than just smoking, becuase the smoke from it didn't go through the filter of
the cigarette so there are more harmful chemicals in it.
    How much is it harmful to our bodies? Smokes from the cigarette will be breathed down to your lungs.
There, the smoke will kill the cell in the there and turn your lungs black. Also, as the survey shows, after 25years of smoking, the percentage of cancer gets very high. In addition, smoking can lead to: bad breath,
an unclear brain and lots more! Plus, as I said before, smoking does not only affect the smoker, but the
people near him or her. smoking has a very addictive substance called nicotine that could harm us. The government is trying to stop people from smokingbut still many people continue to disobey. Smoking must
be stopped before more people get addicted to the cigarettes.

  We should never smoke and so do the other people. Smoking leads non-smokers into passive smoking(second hand smoking) and addiction. Also, it harms your body and you may get even a lung cancer, so if you din't want to die and get a very painful disease do not smoke and consider other people to not smoke.
If people stop smoking, then it will be a very clean world without smokeing-relatewd diseases and coughing! 


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The last couple days of GLPS

At first, I got very nervous because of the long test and the interview.  What I did in the first day was unpacking the luggages and doing the test. In the test, I had to write two essays in English. It was somewhat hard  After listening to the interviewing teacher, I thought the Intensive class would be really hard. However, after studyining in the Intensive class, GLPS got more fun. The last couple days of GLPS was a time for adjusting to the camp life for me.

Mad student of Global Leadership Program for Students